Low & No Code: Power in simplicity

It’s no secret that digital transformation has been a leading priority for the public sector over the last few years. And, in a post-Covid society, it has never been more important. The expectation for digital-first services and processes is at an all-time high, with both the public and public sector workers experiencing more and more benefits – from time savings and efficiency, to reduced error and data risks.  

But these transformations aren’t always easy. Across the public sector, budgets are tight – and service delivery is always the main focus. For this reason, many public sector organisations have restricted technical capacity, whether that be from a time or skill perspective. In this edition of Tech Bytes, we’re taking a closer look at one of the main solutions to this common hurdle – low and no-code technologies. From definition to benefits, we’re diving into everything you need to know about this high-impact trend. 

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What is low & no code?

Low and no-code does what it says on the tin. It puts typically complex digital building and processing into a simplified format. Low code refers to tools or products that facilitate process development with very little code, and no code requires none at all. These tools usually feature graphic-based studios for development, allowing users to piece processes together with pre-built code in a way to suit them. This is often a drag-and-drop process, like that within the studios included within the Evolve Digital Transformation Platform, which means users without advanced experience can still deliver successful projects. 

Advantages of low & no code  

Low and no code tools provide a plethora of benefits, including: 

  • Allows users without advanced coding knowledge to develop digital processes  
  • Saves significant time during development 
  • Provides visual context to development, encouraging a deeper understanding 
  • Higher productivity, with lower costs due to decreased development time & effort  
  • Better user experience with faster fixes  
  • Facilitates futureproofing, with low code providing access to the latest innovations without the need to greatly expand knowledge or experience
  • Improved agility in digital teams  
  • Faster overall digital transformation  

Low & no code in the public sector  

As mentioned, digital capacity and capabilities can greatly vary across the public sector – with many challenges boiling down to smaller budgets and higher stakes in service delivery. But digital transformation isn’t waiting for the sector to catch up. That’s where low and no code technology comes in.  

Designed specifically for the public sector, the Evolve Digital Transformation Platform consists of four low and no-code products, including: 

  • Digitise: Low-code apps and eForms to revolutionise data capture and eradicate paper-based processing 
  • Automate: Low-code robotic process automation (RPA) to emulate human interaction with software for faster, more effective and secure data processing 
  • Connect: No-code API and web service connections to unlock the art of the possible without advanced code experience or knowledge  
  • Flow: Storyboard-based processing, simplifying the combination of technology for end-to-end digital transformation 

For more information about any of our products, or to learn how NDL Evolve could benefit your organisation, don’t hesitate to get in touch and book your free demo. For more inspiration, don’t forget to take a look at our library of success stories – or join the NDL Community at one of our upcoming public sector events