NDL | Automate

Expand your workforce with low-code intelligent automation

Relieve public sector organisations of repetitive digital tasks

NDL Automate robotic process automation (RPA) software improves efficiency, accuracy, and capacity. Emulating otherwise manual processes – such as record migration, data rekeying or cleansing – Automate aims to provide a simple and effective way to streamline your organisation’s day-to-day administration.

Using NDL Automate, intelligent automations can be developed and managed to interact with virtual applications as a person would, but at increased speed, with heightened security and without user error. Provided on a corporate enterprise basis, cross-business automations and integrations can be deployed – allowing your organisation to reduce costs and improve efficiencies throughout every department.

Reduce administrative overheads
Eliminate repetitive, rule-based manual tasks and increase capacity
Save time for the work that matters
Expand and improve public services
Eliminate human error
Improve data accuracy and security, providing your teams with up to date information
Whether it be reflecting a simple change of circumstances across multiple systems or the extraction of complex data from several different applications, Automate’s Bots can be programmed to emulate any manual cyber-based task. Capable of a wide range of interactions, such as keystrokes and clicks, Automate streamlines business processes by improving efficiency – reducing or removing the need for human interaction.

These automations can be scaled up or down to reflect demand, running 24 hours a day, 365 days per year as needed - under the full control of the NDL Hub technology on which Automate is built. In addition to automating processes, the platform facilitates data sharing across different software applications, including both front-end and back-office systems. Want to see more from Automate? Take a look at our real-life public sector use cases below.



Data Integration

A common use of Automate is the integration of disparate systems - especially where APIs or other methods are not available, too expensive or simply too complex. Using Automate, data integration can be performed in real-time or in ‘batch mode’ – queuing and running automations depending on required latency. Compatible with any application, even the most archaic legacy systems can be integrated and transformed with NDL’s RPA product.

  • Modernise & futureproof systems & processes
  • Empower secure data sharing
  • Keep congruent patient & resident records
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Integration Connectivity


As business systems develop, new services emerge, and organisations evolve - it’s common to find differing data and information held across several disparate systems. This can easily lead to inaccuracies, and can be extremely difficult to rectify within a manual process. Automate can apply Bots to rule-based data synchronisation – ensuring consistent and matching information across any target systems.

  • Provide access to congruent & accurate information
  • Maintain matching patient, resident & care records
  • Eliminate manual data coordination exercises

Data migration

Many public sector organisations struggle to implement new, more suitable systems due to the scale of data migration required in the process. Automate offers an alternative solution to complex APIs, vendor lock-in and laborious manual migration – using Automate Bots to extract, transform, and load data automatically.

  • Significant reductions in process duration
  • Data cleansing and auditing
  • Impactful cost and resource savings
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Extraction & attribution

Analysing data captured across separate systems is often a key factor of business intelligence, but organisations in the public sector often handle sensitive, protected, or confidential information – rendering open access to whole datasets unfeasible. However, Automate’s Bots can work intelligently to make data-based decisions – acting as an attribution agent, abstraction layer and data aggregator, without revealing source information.

  • Improved reporting and business intelligence
  • Accurate evidence for business decisions
  • Increased GDPR compliance

End-to-end processing

Automate can also be deployed alongside other digitisation tools – such as NDL Digitise – to enable full end-to-end capabilities. Allowing for the automated processing of streamlined data capture, integration with technologies such as mobile applications and eForms creates powerful possibilities in frontline digitisation. Allowing users to view and capture data directly into back-office systems, Automate’s RPA approach can enhance digital transformation at a wider scale.

  • Improved response and capture rates
  • Implementation of digital-first, person-focused tools
  • Faster & more accurate data input
Transform Connection

Intelligent automation

Automate can also be deployed alongside cognitive services – including artificial intelligence (AI) tools like chatbots, sentiment analysis, smart optical character recognition (OCR), text/form analysis, text to speech and machine learning – to enhance decision support. Known as intelligent automation (IA), combining RPA and open-source cognitive services is a great way to ensure efficient, accurate processing that goes the extra mile.
  • Futureproofing for emerging technologies
  • Added cognitive decision capabilities
  • Integration for maximum value and performance

Automate Features

Automate Studio
A powerful, multi-part, low-code design environment for building Automations
Automate Templates
Get a head start with a library of Automate templates designed for the public sector
Automate Community Library
Share and download community-built templates and replicate impactful projects
Automate utilises strong security technologies to protect your data at transit and at rest
View system performance information, track transaction & data volumes, and re-configure processes on the fly
NDL Hub Technology
Consisting of a central server and management interface, Hub unifies Automate, Digitise, Connect, and Flow
Comprehensive online documentation
Every product within the NDL Evolve Transformation Platform is supported by in-depth technical documentation, accessible online 24/7
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Learn more about Automate

Have to know more about Automate and the NDL Evolve Transformation Platform? Don't hesitate to get in touch with a member of our team.